Chat about pony videos.
Discuss pony video production.
Join a group call while viewing the CyTube.
Find & share videos to consider voting for.
Partake in group events and viewing parties.
Help preserve historic pony videos.
Share resources and helpful links.
Meet creators or chat with fellow creators.
Server Rules
Be sure to check the server itself and #rules-welcome-info for the most current information.
Keep it "safe for work." Be mindful of potentially offensive content, and that there could be minors here.
Be sure to spoiler & warn about unsettling or suggestive content. Don't link to or discuss explicit content anywhere on the server.
Be nice to each other. This is not the place to argue or incite drama. Shut up and enjoy the pony videos!
Self-promotion of pony videos is allowed so long as it promotes healthy discussion and isn't spammy. "Drive-by" advertising isn't okay, so be ready to engage in a conversation about whatever you shared.
No spam. Spam is anything which disrupts productive discussion. This isn't the place to share your meme folder. Also, this is an English speaking server so please avoid use of other languages. No stickers please.
Keep relevant discussions in the appropriate channels.
Respect the creators. Don't share paid/private/Patreon content, and don't harass people with pings or DMs.
Don't do anything illegal, and be sure to follow Discord's guidelines/TOS. You must be 13 or older to use Discord. The recommended age for this server is 16+. We are not a babysitting service.
Enjoy the pony videos!
Ready to join?
Be sure to read the rules. Scroll down for channel information and FAQs.
Server Channels
👋 Welcome! - #rules-welcome-info
Welcome! Check this channel for all the rules and information every newcomer should see.
📢 Announcements - #announcements-events
Official announcements, both for the series and the Discord server.
📺 General - #pony-vid-general
A general channel to hang out and chat about pony videos or server matters! Share and enjoy all of the latest pony videos here.
🎬 Pony video production! - #editing-production-wips
This channel is for creators of pony videos to share work-in-progress content for feedback as well as to discuss video editing techniques and methods.
📝 Pony video preservation - #preservation-archives
Sometimes videos go missing over time. Tracking down lost videos and archiving them is a noble feat! Feel free to use this channel if you have a video in mind but you're not sure where to find it, or to discuss other pony video preservation topics.
☑ Top 10 voting! - #general-voting
Discuss the monthly poll and/or share your votes for the month! This is also a great way to check out what other people are voting for to get some inspiration.
💬 Chat about other stuff - #off-topic
Hang out and chat about your day.
😎 Exclusive hangout spot - #top-10er-longue
A channel just for people with the Top 10er role! If you'd like to join this exclusive club, you have to make videos which place on the list or are selected as honorable mentions.
Who is the server for?
The Discord server is for any viewer of the series, creator of pony videos, and fan of pony videos in general! Be sure to follow Discord's own terms of service and community guidelines.
How do I get a specific role?
Check out "Channels & Roles" to self-role! If you have had your own video make the list and would like the Top 10er role, select the request role and make a request post in the #role-request forum.
Why was I kicked?
Users who break rules may be kicked without warning. You're welcome to join back, but please give the rules a careful read first.
Why was I banned?
You'd have to do something pretty bad to get banned from our server. It's possible you were merely kicked for mild spam or off-topic discussion in the wrong channel; see above question.
Can I share my videos?
You're welcome to share relevant pony videos of your own creation, however, please don't partake in "drive by" advertising. In other words, be sure to stick around after sharing your video and also be sure to include some context or an explanation of what you're sharing.
How does Discord work?
A Discord server is basically a free "chat room" of various voice and text channels. Different channels have different topics. Feel free to join a voice channel at any time although it's highly recommended you view the CyTube while doing so.
I have a problem with a moderator or have been banned unfairly, what do I do?
If you were banned for obviously breaking a rule, there is no appeal process. Otherwise Contact me, LittleshyFiM, directly.